Mar 28, 2018 · So you want a better Remote Access VPN option for MikroTik? Lets look at what it takes to setup a IKEv2 VPN that works with iOS Devices. For the record, the configuration should also support Mac OSX VPN clients but I have not tested it. Oh, & I tested this configuration on an iPhone X running iOS 11.

We will start first with the MikroTik SSTP setup portion of the guide by creating the certificates for SiteX. Two certificates are required for our SSTP VPN setup – a “Server” and “CA” (Certificate Authority) certificate, all of which, will be created via the MikroTik. Jan 24, 2014 · Point to point tunneling protocol is a method for implementing virtual private network .PPTP used controll channel over TCP and GRE and encalsulting ppp packet.PPTP have many kind of security PPTP client from the laptop should connect to routers public IP which in our example is (Consult the respective manual on how to set up a PPTP client with the operating system software you are using). MikroTik VPN configuration with Site-to-Site PPTP Service has been explained in this article. I hope you will be able to configure your Site-to-Site VPN with MikroTik PPTP service if you follow the explanation carefully. However, if you face any confusion to do above steps properly, feel free to discuss in comment or contact with me from

Both Command Line Interface and WinBox way: 1. Add Pool of IP-Addresses to be used with this service [ admin@MikroTik] > ip pool add name=PPTP-Pool ranges=192.168. 2. Create "Profile" [ admin@MikroTik] > ppp profile add change-tcp-mss=yes local-address=PPTP-Pool name=PPTP-Profile 3. Create

Mar 28, 2018 · So you want a better Remote Access VPN option for MikroTik? Lets look at what it takes to setup a IKEv2 VPN that works with iOS Devices. For the record, the configuration should also support Mac OSX VPN clients but I have not tested it. Oh, & I tested this configuration on an iPhone X running iOS 11. I have a PPTP VPN connection setup on my Mikrotik router. I would like to route only one IP on my local network over that VPN Connection. All traffic for that IP address can be routed over VPN. PPTP VPN is a native Windows connection protocol which was implemented long time ago. It is very simply and usually consumes less computing power then the other VPN protocols that is why this protocol is believed to be the fastest. To learn about differences between VPN protocols go to this page. How to create PPTP VPN connection on Windows 10?

Don't setup your Mikrotik RouterOS remotely. You have to be connected via the LAN interface, otherwise you will cut the connection (access to the router) and you will not be able to access it remotely any more. Please mind that this guide is for a router at factory setting. Connect to your Mikrotik via WinBox.

Aug 17, 2016 · The first step to create PPTP Tunnel in MikroTik Router is to enable PPTP server. The following step will show how to enable PPTP server in your MikroTik Router. Go to PPP menu item and click on PPTP Server button from PPP window. Now click on enabled checkbox and then click Apply and OK button. Sep 16, 2019 · To set up SaferVPN on Mikrotik router using PPTP settings, follow our step by step guide detailed below: PPTP setup on Mikrotik router Log in to the Mikrotik router, using the standard username “admin”, with a blank password Then click on the PPP tab on the left-side menu. Mar 26, 2018 · PPTP (Point to Point Tunneling Protocol) Server is used to create a VPN connection for remote clients. It allows you to connect securely from a remote location (such as your home) to an LAN (Local Connect to the MikroTik router via an Ethernet cable, the computer should be cabled to a LANport of the VPN router. It is recommended not to use LAN1 port. Open up your web browser, type in the address bar and hit enter. It will prompt you to enter the username/password. Press the PLUS sign in RED, then create a IP Address Pool that will be used by the PPTP to give out IP and Press OK. It should look something like this. Now we will create a PPTP Server. Goto PPP then press PPTP Server, a new small window will popup, and select Enabled and just press OK.